Brand & Strategy Consultant
Jenny Knuth
Jenny is a country girl at heart, green thumb in-the-making, art nerd, dog-lover, world traveler, zombie fan, roller coaster junkie – and of course, a passionate designer. With an Associate’s degree in Graphic Design and Bachelor’s in Leadership and Organizational Studies, Jenny aims to combine strategic ideas and tactics with solid design aesthetic to guide users, connect emotionally, and inspire action. Jenny has been creating logos, various marketing print collateral, websites, and more for the last 15 years in a mix of agency settings. She has worked with brands like Mercury Marine, Kohler, Lowe’s, and the Timber Rattlers, to name a few, and in a wide variety of industries, including manufacturing, banking, education, and lawn & garden.
As Art Director at wisnet, Jenny strives to bring the latest trends and technology in design and digital marketing to life for our clients. She’s also passionate about supporting community through her leadership, service and involvement with many nonprofits and local projects, including Sophia Partners, Fond du Lac Area Women’s Fund, TEDxFondduLac, Pop-Up Fond du Lac, YScreen, and more.
Random fact about me: I’ve planted over 15,000 trees in the last 6 years. You can call me ‘the tree lady.’
Guilty pleasure: Paranormal/scary movies and various TV series
Pet peeve: Drivers who don’t use a turn signal – a.k.a. “blinker”
First job or most unusual job: Washing mushrooms and labeling jars at a small pickling company
Leisure activities: Gardening, canning, hiking, reading, art/photography, travel