Time for Some Spring Cleaning!
You’ve looked at the same stuff for months and months. “Our Team” photographs that are really outdated. Blog articles that go back to 2012. That old Facebook page that has been on your “to do” list since… forever. Your website feels tired. It has lost the excitement it once had. It’s become “same old same old.”
But now, with flowers popping up and birds singing, the smell of spring is in the air! It’s the time of year we look forward to. It re-energizes us. It’s time for spring cleaning… on your website!
We can help you check for broken links, pull out those testimonials that are losing relevance, and dig in and replant your Google listings. If your website has the same look and feel that it’s had since the Packers last won the Super Bowl, then it’s time for us to review your design and content. When you have a fresh new website, it gives you a great reason to update your contacts and contact them. Let them admire the new you!
Spring is the time of renewal. Let’s get together and look hard at what your site is doing. Make it fresh again, so you can fall in love with it again.