Team Photos Now on a Smartphone Near You
Have you ever heard a voice on the radio or on the phone and formed a picture of that person in your head? Have you noticed how far off your mental picture tends to be?
Well, if you would like to see how closely your mental pictures of the wisnetters line up with the real deal, here is your chance to add some visuals.
Smartphone users can now see who we are (and get a flavor of our personalities and interests), read a short bio, and quickly call us. Check it out for yourself at Those of you who do not have a smartphone will have a better experience viewing it here:
Screenshot of our team page on the new mobile website.
Julie’s profile on the newly developed mobile website.
Our mobile website gives visitors a quick peak at who we are along with our contact information. When companies, schools, municipalities, and other clients assign new personnel to work with us, we know they will be a little more comfortable when they see who they are dealing with. Hopefully, we don’t scare them away!