Claim Your Listing on Google Maps & Places: Part 1

Now that you are convinced you want to list your business on Google Maps and Places, how exactly do you go about doing that? What steps do you need to follow and what kinds of things can a business listing include to communicate what you offer? Don’t worry, here is a walkthrough of the setup along with some suggestions thrown in. Let’s get started!

Claiming your listing is the first step to get your listing appearing on Googles’ 7-Pack. Read Listing Your Business On Google Places And Maps and pay special attention to the ‘Let’s have a look at Google’s 7-Pack’ paragraph. It will explain the 7-Pack.

Step 1: Register with Google
First, if you don’t have a Google login ID you would need to create one. To do this, go to If you already have an account move on to the next step.

Step 2: Find your listing…
After registering go to and search for your company. When your listing is found click on more info ».

Step 3: Are you the business owner?
After clicking more info » you will be on the Google Places page for your business. On the top right click Business Owner?. It doesn’t look like a link but you can click on it. We are assuming that you are the business owner or employed by the company to administrate the local listing. If not, it’s futile trying to take ownership because Google needs to verify your business by mailing a letter to the physical address (or call you by phone).

Step 4: Edit my business listing…
From the Add, Edit, or Suspend Listing page check Edit my business information. Before clicking Continue note the information about ‘Validating Your Listing’.

We’ll send a letter containing a PIN and activation instructions to the business address associated with your listing. After you validate your listing, you may edit your Google Maps listing at any time.

Although it makes it sound that you can not edit the listing, technically you can. Once the listing has been claimed all the updated information will appear on Google Maps and Places.

Conclusion to Part 1
This ends the first part of claiming your listing on Google Maps and Places. Because there are many steps we have broken this article into different sections. Read part two of Claiming Your Listing on Google Maps and Places. Grab a bagel and some coffee; it might take a few hours to complete the process. Enjoy!