Adding the “Pin It” button to your site
After learning what Pinterest is and how it could be beneficial to your business, now it’s time to learn how to add the ‘Pin It’ button to your site. Similar to Facebook and Twitter’s social sharing button, add the ‘Pin It’ button to your company’s website to spread the word of your pin-worthy material!
You begin with filling in a few bits of information. Have ready the URL of the page where the item you want to pin appears, URL of the image to be pinned, and a description of what you’re pinning. You have the option of choosing how (and if) you want your pin count to appear. You can have your Pin Count appear horizontally, vertically, or you can select no count, leaving just the ‘Pin It’ button as is.
Simply filling in a few pieces of information will generate the ‘Pin It’ button code. Once everything is filled in to your liking, copy the code given. Start this process by going to the Pinterest Button Code Generator.
The code that is produced is what is needed to put in your HTML where you want the button to appear. This is where some may find the process tricky. This is the ‘good stuff’ that you’ll need to send to our team and we’ll get this added to your site!
After all, you are showing your customers (existing and potential) that you are an expert in your field!